Evening Torah Bible study class- Every other week in various students residences, First Monday in Perth Hall-On campus, third Monday in a home down-town. Since it changes frequently please text 519-702-2657
led by Rabbi Mordechai Silberberg.
Chavruta Study
2nd & 4th Monday, join us for an hour of Annylitical Talmud study. Delve into a Talmudic discussion about a jewish Law, start from the source in the Chumash (Bible) and see how the Rabbis of 200 years ago developed the details of the Mitzva. Material will be prepared in an easy to use format and Rabbi Mordechai Silberberg will guide each pair and help them along.
8:30 – Shacharit: Join us for Morning services followed by a Torah Study group. Jump start the day with a spiritual boost.
9:15 Coffee and cake, and review of the morning Jewish rituals. Rabbi Mordechai Silberberg 9:45am Talmud study Tractate Sanhedrin: led by Rabbi Mordechai Silberberg
Event Location: Chabad House
“Nechamie’s Parsha & Coffee Hour”
The weekly Parsha (torah portion) with contemporary application to todays Jewish women. Bring your coffee and we'll provide the cake!
Event Location: On campus, University - 12:30-1:30
7:30pm Jewish Learning Institute. Stay tuned
Lunch N’ Learn on Campus UCC 2nd Floor from 12:30pm-2pm – Click here for details
“Late night Talmud” 9:00 PM
Enjoy the lively discussion that accompanies Talmudic study, grappling with the famous logic that has formed the core of Jewish scholarship for nearly 2000 years.
Location: Chabad House Led by Rabbi Mordechai Silberberg
“Shabbat cooking”
Come join Mrs. Nechamie Silberberg, and learn the art of cooking an authentic Shabbat meal (while preparing a meal to feed hungry students). Learn the secrets behind the rituals and unique foods we eat, what blessing is said over what.
Approx. 12:30pm – 4:00pm (times may sometimes vary due to the size of the crowd) best to text before 519-694-2657.
6:30pm. One hour before service we will explore many of the mystical reasons behind many of the rituals we do. Led by Rabbi Mordechai Silberberg.
7:30pm Inspiring prayer services
Saturday 10am study of the laws of Shabbat. Led by Rabbi Mordechai silberberg 11am Inspiring Morning prayer services followed by Kiddush lunch 2pm afternoon services, followed by a class on ethics of the Fathers, by Mrs. Nechamie Silberberg